drain hole in basement floor Drain InstallationAdGet Your French Drain Installed By A Professional Call Today For An Estimate drain hole in basement floor 500 followers on TwitterAdRoto Rooter Plumbing Drain Experts 24 7 Get A Free Estimate Schedule Now
ottawahomeinspector ca floor drainsYour basement floor drain is considered a sanitary fixture just like a sink tub toilet or shower The drain is therefore connected to the sanitary main and thus has a p trap in it similar to all of your home s other sanitary drains hopefully drain hole in basement floor drain basicsJul 28 2009 Great article glad you included pictures We bought our house five years in Denver CO I didn t notice that the basement floor drain was plugged as in intentionally plugged with same type of screw as the clean out plug and our inspector didn t either or just didn t tell us It also has a clean out plug and the plug is in place in basement floorI would highly recommend you go this route especially if you plan on finishing the basement Do not put a floor over these holes until you know for sure what they are If you want to try and DIY call a local hardware store that rents out these drain cameras
angieslist Remodeling39 000 followers on TwitterAdOur Verified Reviews of Local Pros are FREE for You Only at Angie s List drain hole in basement floor in basement floorI would highly recommend you go this route especially if you plan on finishing the basement Do not put a floor over these holes until you know for sure what they are If you want to try and DIY call a local hardware store that rents out these drain cameras diychatroom Concrete Stone MasonryMar 04 2014 Looks like a floor drain from what I can tell by the pic Is there a washer and dryer hookup close by Actually no that s the strange thing The washer and dryer are upstairs and everything in my house runs on electric no gas oil etc so the only piece of hardware in the basement is an electric hot water heater that sits on the opposite side of the room from this hole
drain hole in basement floor Gallery
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