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ehow Home Building Remodeling Home AdditionsBuilding a basement under an existing home often is possible although certain conditions must be met to ensure that this project is a success Moving houses and building new basements are intricate tasks that require the expertise of professional licensed contractors digging a basement under an existing house answers angieslist Home Builders HomesBasement dig out vs a new addition If you live in an area where property taxes are high or your lot will violate zoning code by adding an addition a basement dig out will make sense Say you have a 2 story 2000 sf home and you need 1000 sf of extra living space reference CarpentryCan You Dig a Basement Under an Existing House Basements can be dug under existing houses but safety and cost considerations may not make it a viable option The best way to determine if a basement can be added to an existing house is to consult a contractor
angieslist Home Construction DesignAdding a basement to your home requires digging out the soil around the house Overall it s a complicated and expensive construction process that requires the help of a structural engineer digging a basement under an existing house reference CarpentryCan You Dig a Basement Under an Existing House Basements can be dug under existing houses but safety and cost considerations may not make it a viable option The best way to determine if a basement can be added to an existing house is to consult a contractor answers angieslist Home ExcavationWhich contractors will dig basement under existing house We are thinking about putting a new basement under our 1729 sq ft existing manufactured home We would like to know who does this kind of work and how to find them
digging a basement under an existing house Gallery
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