building a soffit in basement Multiple Top Rated Local Pros Enter Your Zip Find Pros Fast Millions of Pro Reviews Project Cost Guides Pre Screened Pros Estimates In Minutes building a soffit in basement basementdesigner basement soffits buildBasement Soffits drops are easy to build using 2X2 s and OSB plywood Not much to how to build them as you rip the plywood to the desired height which can be determined by the lowest duct height allowing space for framed material under the duct as well
doityourself Duct WorkStep 9 Hang Soffit The soffit frame can now be nailed directly into the joists and studs This part is too big for one person to handle so make sure you have a couple of helpers Step 10 Cover with Drywall Once the soffit is in place cover it with 1 2 inch drywall and you re finished building a soffit in basement aconcordcarpenter how to build a soffit around ductwork htmlSoffits Conceal ducts Using a soffit to conceal duct work is a great way to hide duct work and create a flat or better looking basement ceiling and is also useful as termination points for acoustical ceilings in basements Constructing a soffit is easier than you may think diychatroom Home Improvement Building ConstructionAug 02 2016 Re Soffit framing in basement Or for something a little lighter in weight I typically use 2 1 2 metal studs wall track and 7 8 hat track 10 ladder sections are assembled pretty quickly on a work table and they re easy to install by oneself
to build a soffitSoffits can also be used as a decorative architectural detail such as building a soffit down to meet upper kitchen cabinets If this is the case in your design be sure to factor in the size of your cabinets when measuring and marking the wall and ceiling for your soffit building a soffit in basement diychatroom Home Improvement Building ConstructionAug 02 2016 Re Soffit framing in basement Or for something a little lighter in weight I typically use 2 1 2 metal studs wall track and 7 8 hat track 10 ladder sections are assembled pretty quickly on a work table and they re easy to install by oneself Rated Woodbridge Service For Building Soffit Get 3 Free Estimates Now
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