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homeadvisor True Cost Guide By Category BasementsThe average homeowner spends around 4 058 to seal a basement or foundation with minor repairs costing as little as 600 More comprehensive issues that include fixing cracks in the foundation or adding drains gutters can cost upwards of 10 000 cost of basement waterproofing angieslist Solution Center Basements FoundationsMajor exterior basement waterproofing projects can cost between 8 000 and 80 000 You have many options that range greatly in price Waterfalls and water fountains soothe the soul fixr Indoor Cost GuidesOn average the cost to waterproof a basement averages 5 000 for a 1 200 sq foot basement or 5 10 per sq ft This includes labor costs and all materials including repairing defects waterproofing walls cleanings gutters and window wells 1 installing a sump pump 2 or french drain 3 epoxy 4 injections and evaluations
foundations jeswork Basement WaterproofingAdCall To Schedule A Free Basement Inspection Waterproofing Estimate Today Financing Available Product Warranties Free Inspections BBB A Rated cost of basement waterproofing fixr Indoor Cost GuidesOn average the cost to waterproof a basement averages 5 000 for a 1 200 sq foot basement or 5 10 per sq ft This includes labor costs and all materials including repairing defects waterproofing walls cleanings gutters and window wells 1 installing a sump pump 2 or french drain 3 epoxy 4 injections and evaluations remodel basement waterproofing costsWhen estimating the basement waterproofing costs it s important to keep a few facts in mind First it is necessary to identify the source of the moisture that is making its way into the space
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