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Black MoldApr 08 2011 Start by vacuuming up any lose mold with a HEPA filtered vacuum so the spores don t get spread throughout the room Next clean up the mold by following these steps Mix 1 cup of borax with 1 gallon 3 8 L of water Dip a scrub brush in the solution and use it to scrub away the black mold Wipe the area clean of mold 96 53 how to clean up mold in basement reference CleaningMold spores can also be removed from basement surfaces with a solution of Borax detergent and water Mix 1 cup Borax with 1 gallon of water and apply the solution to all affected surfaces As the solution dries a powdery film develops on the surfaces and dry any damp or wet building materials within 24 to 48 hours to prevent mold growth If you don t and mold infiltrates them they will need to be removed to completely fix the mold problem
usAdCleaning thoroughly completely and reliably since 2005 Call Now Online Booking Discounts Call NowService catalog Carpet Cleaning Office Cleaning Full Cleaning Service Pro how to clean up mold in basement and dry any damp or wet building materials within 24 to 48 hours to prevent mold growth If you don t and mold infiltrates them they will need to be removed to completely fix the mold problem moldSigns of Mold in Basement One of the clearest signs that you have mold in your basement is the smell Because of the stagnant air in the basement odors build up and become very noticeable Don t ignore a musty or moldy smell in the basement as it probably means you have a basement mold problem More mold signs are at Signs of Mold in the Home
how to clean up mold in basement Gallery
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