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bhg Rooms Other Rooms BasementsFeb 19 2016 Better Homes and Gardens contributing editor Stephen Saint Onge takes a standard basement and turns it into family friendly living space Author Better Homes GardensPhone 800 374 4244 basement makeovers before and after basements and afters 2015Best Basements Before and Afters 2015 Get more ideas for your man cave from an unfinished basement with a masculine makeover Best Basements Before and Afters 2015 IMAGE 14 OF 15 Read Full Caption A Polished Basement Conversion Welcomes Friends and Family Before makeoverFind and save ideas about Basement makeover on Pinterest See more ideas about Basement lighting Basement living rooms and Basement paint colors Home decor Basement makeover You ll be amazed by this incredible before and after basement makeover Same space again from the stairs Walls are dry walled but ceiling is left open
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basement makeovers before and after Gallery
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