the basement calendar basement calendarUpcoming events at The Basement Nashville TN See who s playing and when Get tickets online or find more info about upcoming shows the basement calendar sydney jazzcalendars the basementThe basement has hosted to a range of well known musicians and a wide variety of musical genres The club is most well known for jazz and has featured world renowned names such as Dizzy Gillespie Vince Jones Art Pepper Freddie Hubbard Herbie Hancock and lots more
basement calendarCalendar List of all upcoming concerts gigs and tour dates that are taking place in 2018 at The Basement Columbus the basement calendar basement calendarCalendar List of all Basement upcoming concerts for 2018 Find out when Basement is next playing live near you Basement Nashville TNThe Basement books an interesting mix of touring acts local rock pop bands singer songwriters and more Below Grimey s New Preloved Music lies a small dark cave where the music flows like Yazoo brew and the audience sits within spitting distance of performers on the low rising stage
Nov 16 2018Fri 7 30 PMManchester AcademyManchester Greater ManchesterGBP16 Nov 17 2018Sat 7 00 PMLeeds University UnionLeeds West Yorkshire Nov 17 2018Sat 7 00 PMStylusCiudad de Buenos Aires Ciudad aut noma de Buenos AiresGBP16 Nov 18 2018Sun 7 00 PMThe GarageGlasgow Glasgow CityGBP16 the basement calendar Basement Nashville TNThe Basement books an interesting mix of touring acts local rock pop bands singer songwriters and more Below Grimey s New Preloved Music lies a small dark cave where the music flows like Yazoo brew and the audience sits within spitting distance of performers on the low rising stage thebasementnashville do615The Delta Rae Revival A Residency at The Basement with Special Guests Every Wednesday from September 5 to December 19 2018
the basement calendar Gallery
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