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and mold indoors moisture Dehumidification can be used as a means of reducing the symptoms of humidity and odor in a basement but it is not a permanent or complete solution In fact if a dehumidifier is used in a basement with moisture problems it may cause greater damage high humidity in basement diychatroom Home Improvement HVACAug 05 2008 If the relative humidity near the middle of the basement is fairly high e g 50 percent at 20 deg C mould or mildew problems in the room are likely to be humidity level sensitive If the relative humidity near the middle of a room is fairly low e g 30 percent at 20 deg C mould or mildew problems in the room are likely to be temperature sensitive tips for healthy below grade spacesMay says high humidity is the leading cause of mold growth in the basement Mold and mildew flourish when the relative humidity level is above 80 therefore all basements finished or unfinished should be kept at or below 50 relative humidity
Humidity in a BasementSep 18 2011 How to Prevent Humidity in a Basement Three Methods Controlling Humidity from inside the House Controlling Exterior Moisture Sources Preventing Humidity from Condensation Community Q A Humidity in your basement is a problem for many reasons 76 38 high humidity in basement tips for healthy below grade spacesMay says high humidity is the leading cause of mold growth in the basement Mold and mildew flourish when the relative humidity level is above 80 therefore all basements finished or unfinished should be kept at or below 50 relative humidity basement humidity levelsHigh humidity can make a home feel stuffy and clammy and can cause moisture to condense on windows and walls Excess moisture can encourage the growth of harmful bacteria dust mites and molds all of which can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies
high humidity in basement Gallery
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