goldenrod department store basement pokemon wikia wiki Goldenrod Department StoreGeneration s available Gen II and IVKind BuildingRegion JohtoWeather Normal goldenrod department store basement the basement of goldenrod d htmIn the Basement of Goldenrod Department store where iv been told I can get the Amulet coin how do you get through all them baskets so I can get it Pokemon Crystal Questions and answers GameBoy
17 2012 The Goldenrod Department Store is a store found in the Johto region It is located in Goldenrod City and is the largest department store in Johto Unlike regular Pok Marts this store houses many items and many floors goldenrod department store basement pokemon heartgold The basement to the goldenrod department center has a few machoke and machop moving boxes making it easy for me to access the various items in the basement except for one at the top right that s blocked off by a door metal door goldenrod Related questions How to get Eevee and Spearow in Goldenrod City HG How do you get past the guard in goldenrod radio tower in heart gold How do you get the machops to move the boxes in the dept store basement
Department Store basement The Goldenrod Department Store s basement opens up onto the Goldenrod Tunnel Although the basement is accessible from the main store right from the start the back entrance is initially occupied by Team Rocket and cannot be accessed until later goldenrod department store basement metal door goldenrod Related questions How to get Eevee and Spearow in Goldenrod City HG How do you get past the guard in goldenrod radio tower in heart gold How do you get the machops to move the boxes in the dept store basement mon Gold and Silver Goldenrod CityGoldenrod City Department Store Basement In the basement there are three men working all of whom will shoo you away Go in the elevator go to any floor go back to the basement and they will have rearranged the boxes
goldenrod department store basement Gallery
7898170_f520, image source: levelskip.com
250px Radio_Tower3Map, image source: pokemon3d.net