cat in basement to view on Bing4 22Nov 12 2016 Five kittens with a black cat in the basement He now lives with them because his ginger brother died To avoid loneliness he joined the colony of five kittens Author Robin SeplutViews 20K cat in basement thecatsite Cat Care Forums Grooming General Cat CareJun 21 2016 She also moved two of her cats into another enclosure in the same basement The other 3 cats are living on the second floor of the house which has windows sunlight and lots of room She is using this room for storage as well The dogs will be in the main living area The basement is cold dirty and just plain nasty
matted hair rescued 2189058731 htmlCat Rescued From Basement Gets 5 Pounds Of Fur Cut Off He looks so different now cat in basement 19 2007 If you keep the cats in the basement and the dog pees or pukes upstairs your mom will have to know that the dog did it not the cats and may allow you to bring them upstairs again Try not to bug your mom a lot about it but keep reminding her what you think Status ResolvedAnswers 5 do I keep my cats in the basementI acquired a basement cat because the feral feeding statiom I had under my deck was accessed through a basement window Tom came in the window claimed the basement cat pan and stayed If the basement has a window use it to your and the cat s advantage
kitties will be fine so long as they get enough attention and food My cats are alone for about 16 hours day with only basement windows and they do just fine Granted when I m home they get consistent intermittent cuddles On an aside it is possible for animals to get along The dog and cats may be able to occupy the same space eventually cat in basement do I keep my cats in the basementI acquired a basement cat because the feral feeding statiom I had under my deck was accessed through a basement window Tom came in the window claimed the basement cat pan and stayed If the basement has a window use it to your and the cat s advantage answers two cat questions Q After having a cat for about a year she s developed a new behavior in the garage We keep her in the garage as a mouser Now she goes on top of the vehicles
cat in basement Gallery
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