soffit basement ceiling contractortalk Forum Trade Talk ConstructionFeb 25 2010 Re Vinyl Soffit For Basement Ceiling IHI I would say no I think the concern is the toxic fumes that would infiltrate the house if the basement should develop a fire that alone would detour me from installing that product soffit basement ceiling to build a soffit dkim103 soffit mark and measure s4x3 Measuring wall with measuring tape and marking area to dkim103 soffit cut wall plates s4x3 Contractor uses a saw to cut the wooden wall plates in this dkim103 soffit build box frame s4x3 Two contractors use a tool to build a box frame in this home dkim103 soffit install box frame 1 s4x3 Contractor on ladder while installing a wood box frame in See all full list on diynetwork
contractortalk Forum Trade Talk ConstructionApr 11 2010 I think I would have to agree with IHI but maintain respect for Neo s fact It would be extremely hazardous if it were to catch fire If it were mine and I wanted the vinyl I would go for it There soffit basement ceiling framing and Once we settled on our ideal basement layout and finalized the bedroom and bathroom configuration the framing plans were pretty straight forward One area we paid special attention too was the soffits Basements routinely end up with lots of soffits and awkward angles on the ceiling to basementfinishinguniversity how to frame around the duct work Soffits hide the major overhead obstacles like the duct work support beams large drain lines and other bigger items that fill the ceiling scape I have several Soffit Framing Videos here on this site located above in the Basement Finishing Video Lessons drop down menu
basementfinishinguniversity basement video lessons basement This series continues in the next 2 videos Basement Ceiling Framing Part 2 and Basement Ceiling Framing Part 3 Make sure you watch all 3 of them so you get a real good feel for how to tackle your basement soffits soffit basement ceiling basementfinishinguniversity how to frame around the duct work Soffits hide the major overhead obstacles like the duct work support beams large drain lines and other bigger items that fill the ceiling scape I have several Soffit Framing Videos here on this site located above in the Basement Finishing Video Lessons drop down menu ifinishedmybasement framing basement framing around ductworkWood framing around duct work for a finished basement Duct work framing is often called a soffit or soffit run Which is French for a type of ceiling that can be a pain in the ass
soffit basement ceiling Gallery
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