basement cat catOnly Real Cat oholics Will Understand What These Tumblr Posts Are All About basement cat s the sound you d imagine when you see the needle fall when you hear the scratch of the record A sound that combines the raw noise and energy of 60 s garage rock with the melodic and less abrasive nature of modern indie rock
is commonly known that Basement Cat and Ceiling Cat are mortal enemies Like 3P1C enemies Although the facts of who would win in a cat fight are commonly disputed it is clear that Basement Cat would win becuz he sendz nukes up there And we all known the only thing that can kill ceiling cat is basement cat and nukes basement cat unanything wikia wiki Basement CatOrigin Basement Cat s exact origin is unknown but he was born in the same litter of kittens as Ceiling Cat was Presumably he was created by Chuck Norris to keep him company but was soon cast away because Chuck Norris is far too manly to keep cats in his home From left to right Purgatory Cat Ceiling Cat Angel Cat and Basement Cat parrottpost CeilingOct 31 2018 It needs good lighting to your beautiful house in case your ceiling cat basement cat seems claustrophobic because of the lack of light getting into the home ceiling cat basement cat The space light is one of many easy methods to create your house that is little experience greater In arranging the home design this must be performed
catThe Basement Cat character developed in opposition to Ceiling Cat Basement Cat is all black and is conceptualized in a similar way to the Christian Satan basement cat parrottpost CeilingOct 31 2018 It needs good lighting to your beautiful house in case your ceiling cat basement cat seems claustrophobic because of the lack of light getting into the home ceiling cat basement cat The space light is one of many easy methods to create your house that is little experience greater In arranging the home design this must be performed meme wikia wiki Basement CatBasement Cat is the evil twin brother of Ceiling Cat He was banished to the basement for eating Ceiling The original Basement Cat Cat s cookie Description Edit Basement Cat is usually portrayed as an all black cat with one glowing green eye and one glowing yellow eye
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