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ifinishedmybasement rigid foam insulationIs Rigid Foam Insulation the Right Insulation for your Basement Your choice really comes down to blanket insulation aka fiberglass or XPS Most homes use fiberglass but rigid foam insulation although more costly offers a few extra features rigid foam insulation for basement walls finishing insulated wall ZenWall from Basement Systems is an excellent finished wall system to use with B2B panels Don t worry ZenWall is also totally waterproof Rigid foam insulation offers unmatched durability for the basement as it can t be damaged by moisture or mold and never falls out of place or loses R value ZenWall Paneling BrightWall Paneling insulation htmlRigid foam doesn t absorb water making it one of the best basement insulation methods for long lasting performance Whether you re looking to insulate your basement walls floor or both we have the solution for your home
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