basement 80 humidity diychatroom Home Improvement HVACMay 07 2010 Finished basement humidity at 80 for unknown reasons Hey all We just bought a house that s 12 years old It has 1 2 of the basement finished and this was done by the previous owner just two years ago The humidity in the finished part is 80 The finished part is not daylight The unfinished part has a door to outside and windows basement 80 humidity tips for healthy below grade spacesMay says high humidity is the leading cause of mold growth in the basement Mold and mildew flourish when the relative humidity level is above 80 therefore all basements finished or unfinished should be kept at or below 50 relative humidity
avsforum Dedicated Theater Design ConstructionJul 19 2004 My basement seems to hover between 65 and 70 humidity in the basement and 60 to 65 upstairs The AC cooling coil should dehumidify the air and basement 80 humidity reference Weather TidesThe term basement humidity level refers to the moisture content of the air in a basement A humidity level above 80 percent encourages mold and mildew development according to Basement Health Pros hearth DIY and General non hearth adviceNov 17 2014 Basement humidity level percentage Posted By Drifthopper Jun 18 2010 at 5 25 PM the relative humidity will be 80 to 90 See Reference Samuelson Relative letting in moist warm outside air to a cool basement will raise the humidity in the space and potentially lead to condensation on surfaces and a higher risk of mold
humidity should Remember if air outside is 60 RH and the temp is 80 F that would be equal to about 75 RH with with a basement temp of 60 F Keeping it around 55 60 will basement 80 humidity hearth DIY and General non hearth adviceNov 17 2014 Basement humidity level percentage Posted By Drifthopper Jun 18 2010 at 5 25 PM the relative humidity will be 80 to 90 See Reference Samuelson Relative letting in moist warm outside air to a cool basement will raise the humidity in the space and potentially lead to condensation on surfaces and a higher risk of mold basement humidity levelWhat is the Ideal Basement Humidity Level As a general rule you basement should keep a relative humidity level of 30 to 50 percent Not only does this range reduce the risk of harmful bacterial growth it also prevents several health risks associated with low humidity Further limiting the RH level to a range of 30 to 40 percent during
basement 80 humidity Gallery
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