building a bar in basement barsBuilding your Basement Bar Start with the floor You can usually build over existing flooring but it s always best to cut out carpeting around the bar The back bar area should be all tile laminate or solid wood flooring The patron side can be carpeted but I prefer a 3 foot perimeter using the same easy to clean flooring you use behind the bar building a bar in basement angieslist Solution Center Basements FoundationsBuilding a bar in your renovated basement can provide your family with a convenient and comfortable area to socialize together while having food and drinks However there are many different options from which you can choose when determining the design and features of your ideal bar and the choices you make regarding the features often have a significant impact on the total price of the bar
diyhomedesignideas basement bar ideas 2 phpIf you are choosing to build your own bar in the basement rather than purchasing a pre assembled piece you should begin framing out a half wall that will provide a skeleton for the placement of cabinets and countertops building a bar in basement to build a home barJun 30 2015 Using a table and circular saw cut your plywood sheets to the following dimensions 1 to 87 x 40 as barface 2 to 40 x 13 as barface ends and 1 to 96 x 22 as bar top how to build an awesome bar in your A man has built a bar in his basement It took a lot of work but in the end it looked great Just see it yourself and maybe you could build something similar in your basement and send us the pictures
to build a basement barFrame the bar skeleton Build a 42 tall pony wall with 2x6 studs and anchor it into the concrete this is the front of the bar At the top of the wall install a 3 4 plywood top that is 18 to 24 wide Use angle supports to anchor the top to the front of the pony wall building a bar in basement how to build an awesome bar in your A man has built a bar in his basement It took a lot of work but in the end it looked great Just see it yourself and maybe you could build something similar in your basement and send us the pictures to view on Bing3 12Oct 06 2016 Part 1 I plan out my home bar and then frame it up I m no professional just a regular guy who like to try things on my own More to follow bar is almost complete Author TelepathicTrafficViews 31K
building a bar in basement Gallery
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