putting a basement under an existing house answers angieslist Home Builders HomesApr 15 2014 The original house 950 sq ft x2 for the second story had a 6 partial basement under the front 1 3 of the house with the rest had a crawlspace under it putting a basement under an existing house angieslist Home Construction DesignNov 23 2015 To prop up an existing concrete slab for the ground floor is very difficult A new wood frame floor will most likely be required 3 All load bearing points from the 2nd floor will need to be transferred to the new basement floor with an appropriate footing or be structurally re routed thru the first floor framing to the new perimeter basement walls
homesteadingtoday Homesteading QuestionsOct 05 2010 I agree that in doing a whole house it is likely easier cheaper and safer to move the house onto a basement in the back yard than try to build one under the house putting a basement under an existing house ehow Home Building Remodeling Remodeling PlansExpect to pay no less than 30 000 to 50 000 to build yourself a basement That number could be greatly increased depending on your location and local fees What s Involved Building a basement is not just a matter of digging a hole under the house answers angieslist Home ExcavationAug 08 2014 Which contractors will dig basement under existing house We are thinking about putting a new basement under our 1729 sq ft existing manufactured home We would like to know who does this kind of work and how to find them
reference CarpentryAug 04 2015 The best way to determine if a basement can be added to an existing house is to consult a contractor Some items to consider when adding a basement to an existing home The existing space The existing space is an important consideration when deciding to add a basement to an existing home putting a basement under an existing house answers angieslist Home ExcavationAug 08 2014 Which contractors will dig basement under existing house We are thinking about putting a new basement under our 1729 sq ft existing manufactured home We would like to know who does this kind of work and how to find them arch designcommunity viewtopic php f 7 t 2675Feb 07 2009 It is possible to build a new basement under an existing house The house would have to be jacked up and have steel I beams placed under the walls and floors If your house is built on a slab you may have to build a temporary floor to hold the walls together
putting a basement under an existing house Gallery
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photo gallery sabrina linn039s favourite interiors putting a basement under an existing house l 79f32420417a9aa0, image source: www.vendermicasa.org
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