columbine basement tapes leak Basement Tapes audio leak is taken from a December 1999 press conference with Darell Scott the father of Rachel Scott He had watched the tapes a few days previous and recorded an excerpt with the name Rachel mentioned though I believe this has been proven to not be referring to Rachel Scott columbine basement tapes leak columbinebasementtapes blogspotJun 12 2013 The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting which occurred on April 20 1999 at Columbine High School in Columbine an unincorporated area of Jefferson County in the State of Colorado
guide columbine the basement tapesA guide through the maze of Columbine evidence myths and misinformation Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold s journals sketches guns bombs crime scene photos columbine basement tapes leak acolumbinesite quotes2 phpEric Harris and Dylan Klebold are once more in the family room of the Harris home Eric is filming Dylan is wearing a black baseball cap on backward exposing a B embroidered in white on the back of the hat the Boston Red Sox logo acolumbinesite quotes phpThe following transcripts are primarily quoted from those three tapes that Eric and Dylan made prior to the assault on Columbine High School assembled with the help of documentation from the Columbine Report and Time Magazine both the hard copy and online copy of the article Westword and CNN
Harris and Dylan Klebold are sitting in the Harris home basement level family room Eric is sitting on the couch and Dylan s sitting in a chair nearby They re drinking from a Jack Daniels bottle which Eric points out The boys begin to discuss a number of topics they Transcript of the Columbine Basement Tapes columbine basement tapes leak acolumbinesite quotes phpThe following transcripts are primarily quoted from those three tapes that Eric and Dylan made prior to the assault on Columbine High School assembled with the help of documentation from the Columbine Report and Time Magazine both the hard copy and online copy of the article Westword and CNN thread columbine massacre with sound GRAPHIC might contain content that is not suitable for all ages By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are 18 years and over Note to turn off these warnings you need to set the safe mode to OFF on the top right
columbine basement tapes leak Gallery
maxresdefault, image source: www.youtube.com
mqdefault, image source: antidiary.com
th?id=OGC, image source: gfycat.com
libraryknife, image source: wkea.org
220px HarrisFirearms, image source: it.wikipedia.org