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Floors We have no flooring in our basement family room and have been trying to find a flooring solution that will work We have an uneven floor so tile laminate and linoleum are all out uneven basement floor solutions to how to level concrete floorIn this video This Old House general contractor Tom Silva shows how to resurface an uneven concrete slab Steps 1 Lay long straight 2x4 rail across the concrete slab floor with one end positioned on the high point in room 2 Slip shims under the low end of the 2x4 rail until it s perfectly level repair uneven floorsUneven Floors Uneven bowing or sagging floors are caused by settling support columns or sagging floor joists When your home is built the support structure is designed to hold whatever is on top of it
AngiesList Remodeling39 000 followers on TwitterAdFree Access to 10M Reviews Hire the Right Contractor uneven basement floor solutions repair uneven floorsUneven Floors Uneven bowing or sagging floors are caused by settling support columns or sagging floor joists When your home is built the support structure is designed to hold whatever is on top of it flooring for basementsThe best flooring options ideas for your basement in 2018 What to avoid and pros cons of popular options like tile concrete floating floors more
uneven basement floor solutions Gallery
FH04MAY_CARPET_01 2, image source: www.familyhandyman.com
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