basement xl binding of isaac bindingofisaac wikia wiki The BasementThe Basement is the first floor in The Binding of Isaac and the Rebirth remake which takes the appearance of an unfinished basement that possibly has brick walls The monsters indigenous to the chapter are Flies basement xl binding of isaac rows The Burning Basement is one of the environments in Chapter 1 added in the Binding of MONSTERSDESCRIPTIONBlack FlyTiny black fly with neutral AI Does not hurt Isaac upon touch Attack FlyRed fly that follows Isaac and deals touch damage Ring FlyGathers with any other Ring Flies in the room These flies orbit around themselves whil Dart FlyFlies towards Isaac and attempts to mimic his movements Deals contact damage See all 53 rows on bindingofisaacrebirth gamepedia
steamcommunity sharedfiles filedetails id 368942180The Binding of Isaac Rebirth Screenshots Vaattz s Screenshots This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community Content Guidelines It is only visible to you basement xl binding of isaac binding of isaac rebirth FloorsNov 14 2014 Floors The Binding of Isaac Rebirth Floors are the main levels of the game which usually come in pairs are comprised of various types of rooms gain different bosses for each floor an gives you the best of the internet in one place Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news fun stories pics memes and videos just for you Passionate about something niche Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests Alternatively find out what s trending across all of Reddit on r popular
had two Mega Fatties twice on different XL floors different runs Needless to say my dislike for Mega Fatties due to their ridiculous health and fast jump attacks only intensified after each of those basement xl binding of isaac gives you the best of the internet in one place Get a constantly updating feed of breaking news fun stories pics memes and videos just for you Passionate about something niche Reddit has thousands of vibrant communities with people that share your interests Alternatively find out what s trending across all of Reddit on r popular
basement xl binding of isaac Gallery
Binding of Isaac Rebirth Vita screenshots 05, image source: www.windowscentral.com
Boss_Turdlings, image source: bindingofisaacrebirth-fr.gamepedia.com
latest?cb=20120818120919, image source: bindingofisaac.wikia.com