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j drain ApplicationsInterior Drainage J DRAIN Interior Drain An interior drainage system consisting of a dimple core that can be cut to desired width on site and installed against a foundation wall and bent on top of the footing prior to the placement of the basement slab basement j drain centralconstructionsupply j drain 400 series wall drainageJ DRAIN 400 Series performs a multi faceted role by providing protection for waterproofing systems and managing sub surface water around building foundations Soil back fill is retained by a filter fabric while allowing water to pass into the drainage core providing hydrostatic relief bestmaterials detail aspx ID 21905Drain SWD 6 is designed for efficiently draining water away from in turf areas and for foundation walls basement walls retaining walls roadway edges and more Its filter cover retains soil particles while allowing water to pass through the drain core for easy removal Price 143 95
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