bird's basement jazz bar New York was known for being Charlie Parker s resident Jazz club in the 1950s and of course his namesake In addition to Bird the club has been h bird's basement jazz bar basement jazz Bird s Basement is a modern intimate setting with great acoustics and a very nice modern Italian dinner menu at reasonable prices It features a good mix of Australian and overseas artists every night of the week along with theme nights or genres such as Latin Jazz month and regular jam sessions
tripadvisor Melbourne Restaurants Bird s BasementJun 11 2016 Description Bird s Basement is a live music venue presenting the best in Jazz and many other genres mostly international acts Typically there are two shows a night an early dinner show and a late supper show Tickets you book either online or by calling us only include music charge 165 TripAdvisor reviewsLocation 11 Singers Lane Melbourne Victoria 3000 AustraliaPhotos 33Phone 61 1300 225 299 bird's basement jazz bar tripadvisor au Melbourne Restaurants Bird s BasementDescription Bird s Basement is a live music venue presenting the best in Jazz and many other genres mostly international acts Typically there are two shows a night an early dinner show and a late supper show Tickets you book either online or by calling us only include music charge 5 5Photos 33165 TripAdvisor reviewsLocation 11 Singers Lane Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia basement melbourneAfter reading all about Bird s Basement and missing out on tickets to seeing Ravi Coltrane Saturday night was the night we finally got to venture down the stairs and in to this new and sexy Jazz club set to rival long time institution Bennett s Lane 2 5 3 Phone 61 130 022 5299Location 11 Singers lane Melbourne 3000 Victoria
is tracked by us since December 2016 Over the time it has been ranked as high as 1 148 099 in the world while most of its traffic comes from Australia where it bird's basement jazz bar basement melbourneAfter reading all about Bird s Basement and missing out on tickets to seeing Ravi Coltrane Saturday night was the night we finally got to venture down the stairs and in to this new and sexy Jazz club set to rival long time institution Bennett s Lane 2 5 3 Phone 61 130 022 5299Location 11 Singers lane Melbourne 3000 Victoria s Basement Melbourne Australia 20 920 likes 603 talking about this 11 697 were here The Jazz Corner of the World has now extended to Melbourne
bird's basement jazz bar Gallery
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bird s basement jazz, image source: fr.tripadvisor.be
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