cocaine basement will give your Sim a confident buff that is quite short lived If your Sim snorts more cocaine the effect will be stronger In addition to the altered mood there is also an increase in energy and altered needs decay as well as additional occasional buffs and debuffs whims related to the drug and altered walk styles cocaine basement basementWelcome to cocaine basement While you re here find out about the average purity of cocaine the laws surrounding it and learn about how dogs play a big role in the drug trade
azlyrics N Noah Gundersen LyricsLyrics to Cocaine Sex Alcohol From A Basement In Los Angeles song by Noah Gundersen Something s in the water Suck it up drink it up now Idiots in the corner Sitting it out thinking o cocaine basement genius N Noah GundersenCOCAINE SEX ALCOHOL FROM A BASEMENT IN LOS ANGELES Lyrics Something s in the water Suck it up drink it up now Idiots in the corner Sitting it out thinking out loud Breathe a little narcoticnews information cocaine weightsCocaine will usually be packed into large sacks where many individual kilograms are inside A metric ton of cocaine weighs 1 000 kilograms a short ton contains 907 kilos and a long ton has 1016 kgs A Short Ton is the equivalent of 2 000 pounds 907 kilograms
to view on Bing2 35Dec 14 2010 The dangers of cocaine abuse explained to teenagers in a trusted environment Author MullenLowe ProferoViews 1 2K cocaine basement narcoticnews information cocaine weightsCocaine will usually be packed into large sacks where many individual kilograms are inside A metric ton of cocaine weighs 1 000 kilograms a short ton contains 907 kilos and a long ton has 1016 kgs A Short Ton is the equivalent of 2 000 pounds 907 kilograms cocaine also called coke freebase and crack are all forms of cocaine They re all powerful stimulants with short lived effects which means that they temporarily speed up the way your mind and body work but the effects are short lived
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