capillary basement membrane thickening pathologyoutlines topic kidneydiabetes htmlDiffuse capillary basement membrane thickening diffuse and nodular glomerulosclerosis Causes glomerular disease arteriolar sclerosis pyelonephritis papillary necrosis similar between type I capillary basement membrane thickening the kidney the microangiopathy leads to thickening of the glomerular capillary basement membrane but also to the expansion of the mesangial matrix and thickening of the tubular basement membrane Several mechanisms are implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic renal microangiopathy
u ac jp medlib nagoya j med sci 4334 v43n34 Fifty two specimens 63 4 showed the GBM thickening within 6 months after transplantation Among them 48 58 5 showed local thickening 4 4 9 diffuse thickening 18 22 0 double membrane formation clearly observable under light microscope and I 1 2 spike formation Mesangiolysis was observed in 10 specimens 12 3 capillary basement membrane thickening of the capillary basement membrane has been described in this and other muscle disorders in diabetes mellitus and in some kidney diseases Red blood cell Fills the lumen of a capillary and is a useful but rough internal measure onlinelibrary wiley Anatomy PhysiologySignificant retinal capillary basement membrane thickening in hyperglycemic and normoglycemic diabetic prone DP BB Wistar rats Ultrastruct Pathol 35 97 105 CrossRef Web of Science Times Cited 2 Gundersen HJG Osterby R 1972
basement Why basement membrane thickens in diabetes mellitus up vote 5 down vote favorite Untreated diabetes mellitus may lead to blindness and kidney failure because the basement membrane of small blood vessels in these organs thickens due to increased production of collagen and laminin capillary basement membrane thickening onlinelibrary wiley Anatomy PhysiologySignificant retinal capillary basement membrane thickening in hyperglycemic and normoglycemic diabetic prone DP BB Wistar rats Ultrastruct Pathol 35 97 105 CrossRef Web of Science Times Cited 2 Gundersen HJG Osterby R 1972
capillary basement membrane thickening Gallery
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