whitemarsh hall basement Hall a mansion six stories high with 147 rooms and gardens that cost millions to keep up finished in 1921 and abandoned after the Depression Whitemarsh Hall The long long drive passes the northern flank of the house then curves around to approach the front For a sense of scale the portico columns are 50 feet tall whitemarsh hall basement Hall was a large estate located on 300 acres 1 2 km 2 of land in Wyndmoor Pennsylvania US and owned by banking executive Edward T Stotesbury and his wife Eva Designed by the Gilded Age architect Horace Trumbauer it was built in 1921 and demolished in 1980 History The site today
wyndmoor remnants Whitemarsh Hall contained 150 rooms rooftop gardens and an entire service wing which housed more than 50 staff members who maintained the grounds The grand property was not only known for its architectural beauty but served different purposes during its existence whitemarsh hall basement mansionfloorplans blogspot 2010 07 whitemarsh hall wyndmoor Whitemarsh Hall Wyndmoor Pennsylvania USA America s Vanished Versailles Built by Beaux Arts architect Horace Trumbauer between 1916 and 1921 the neo Georgian mansion consisted of 6 stories 3 of which were partly or fully underground 147 rooms 45 bathrooms 100 000 square feet 9 300 m2 and specialty rooms including a ballroom hallSub basement plan for Whitemarsh Hall I believe there also was a sub sub basement a sixth level if you will that contained the boiler room Find this Pin and more on Whitemarsh Hall by John Flowers Whitemarsh Hall sub basement See more
randwulf hogwarts white htmlWHITEMARSH HALL Whitemarsh Hall known as the Versailles of America was one of the largest and most exquisite estates in North America Edward Townsend Stotesbury had the mansion built in 1916 on a 300 acre estate just outside of Philadelphia PA whitemarsh hall basement hallSub basement plan for Whitemarsh Hall I believe there also was a sub sub basement a sixth level if you will that contained the boiler room Find this Pin and more on Whitemarsh Hall by John Flowers Whitemarsh Hall sub basement See more images O T H E R I M A G E S 6 images all shown Whitemarsh Hall 1969 Jacob Stelman Collection Athenaeum of Philadelphia Local ID 143 P 474 001 Image Source Whitemarsh Hall
whitemarsh hall basement Gallery
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4ea9db192261552a74150d40e9640814 whitewash gilded age, image source: www.pinterest.com
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TRU2256 005, image source: www.philadelphiabuildings.org
Whitemarsh+Hall+first+floor, image source: bluetruckredstate.blogspot.com
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whitemarsh, image source: outtaway.blogspot.com
244daab1f7bd767a23219af2b6ad6317 architecture graphics drawing architecture, image source: www.pinterest.com
a93382b3262e0e96e0cd814259da3932 basement floor plans building plans, image source: www.pinterest.com
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Cobb, image source: annacasa-decorationinterieur.com
Clark_Mansion_Floor_Plans, image source: thegildedageera.blogspot.com
TRU2364(2005, image source: www.philadelphiabuildings.org
31875c4c6a4213dbf840203e9b442dcf castle howard north yorkshire, image source: www.pinterest.de