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it s not a dry basement I would probably put a sub floor in I don t know if a moisture barrier is actually good as it could actually trap moisture under there that would accumulate over time DryCore subfloor for example has channels underneath that eventually vent out on the sides do i need a subfloor in my basement options for dry warm floor Height Yes you can build a 12 inch high basement subfloor and stay dry above everything but basement ceilings tend to be low Full 8 foot tall basement ceilings in older homes are rare with 7 footers more the norm Even an inch or two elevation in your subfloor will make a noticeable difference you need a subfloor The average basement lets in 15 18 gallons of moisture each day Moisture is the biggest issue with installing any finished floor covering over concrete Tyroc Subflooring is a moisture vapor barrier
plywood264 400 followers on TwitterAdDon t Forget To Shop OSB Plywood For Your Next Home Project Today Types OSB Sheathing OSB Subfloor Radiant Barrier OSB Utility OSB do i need a subfloor in my basement you need a subfloor The average basement lets in 15 18 gallons of moisture each day Moisture is the biggest issue with installing any finished floor covering over concrete Tyroc Subflooring is a moisture vapor barrier options for basementsHowever because wood is a naturally porous substance that will absorb moisture when used as a basement subfloor these materials are often installed on mini joists known as sleepers which allow it to sit above a concrete pad
do i need a subfloor in my basement Gallery
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