basement lamina dictionary thefreedictionary basement laminabasement lamina lam n n the thin layer of noncellular material beneath epithelial cells that is composed primarily of collagen Also known as the basal lamina basement lamina seen with electron microscope the basement membrane is composed of two layers the basal lamina and the underlying layer of reticular connective tissue The underlying connective tissue attaches to the basal lamina with collagen VII anchoring fibrils and fibrillin microfibrils MeSH D001485Latin membrana basalisTH H2 00 00 0 00005Structure Function Clinical significance Further reading
webster dictionary basement membraneBasement membrane definition is a thin membranous layer of connective tissue that separates a layer of epithelial cells from the underlying lamina propia basement lamina membrane c The fibroreticular lamina anchors the basement membrane to adjacent extracellular matrix by three main mechanisms which vary according to site and are illustrated in this figure membrane plasma cells that populate the basement membrane lamina propria of the small intestine the area of loose connective tissue above the supporting tissue of the mucosal lining extending into the villi
histology leeds ac uk Connective TissueBasal Lamina What is the basal lamina The basal lamina lamina layers also known as the basement membrane is a specialised form of extracellular matrix basement lamina membrane plasma cells that populate the basement membrane lamina propria of the small intestine the area of loose connective tissue above the supporting tissue of the mucosal lining extending into the villi
basement lamina Gallery
hcvnl5STmYYqX79qeI7Q, image source: socratic.org
Glomerular_Basement_Membrane_(GBM)_Structure, image source: discovery.lifemapsc.com
1200px GI_Organization, image source: en.wikipedia.org
renal physiology ii glomerular structure filtration 11 728, image source: www.slideshare.net
esophagus cancer 58 638, image source: www.slideshare.net
IMG_4721, image source: drywalltaping.ca
desmosome_diag, image source: histology.leeds.ac.uk
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clip_image0024, image source: epidemiologiamolecular.com
epithelium cellstissues histology 9 638, image source: www.slideshare.net
Arteries+and+vein+layers, image source: heartsfortheclass.blogspot.com
Histo_Glomerulo_1, image source: kidneypathology.com
TUBULES2, image source: www.histology.leeds.ac.uk
1200px Laminin_sketch, image source: en.wikipedia.org
excretor epitelio transicion espesor, image source: mmegias.webs.uvigo.es
fig30_bd60x6304, image source: www.histology.leeds.ac.uk
CDR0000579036, image source: cancerinfo.tri-kobe.org
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis nephritic nephrotic syndrome 31 638, image source: www.slideshare.net