basement membrane syndrome basement membrane diseaseThin basement membrane disease TBMD is an inherited disorder that mainly affects the glomeruli which are tiny tufts of capillaries small blood vessels in the kidneys that filter wastes from the blood It is a rare disorder that has been diagnosed in less than 1 percent of the population basement membrane syndrome ncbi nlm nih gov J Clin Pathol v 40 3 1987 MarRenal symptoms were found in four families although no relative had Alport s syndrome Renal biopsy findings observed by light and immunofluorescence microscopy did not indicate any important abnormalities but extensive diffuse thinning of the glomerular basement membrane ranging from 153 to 213 nm was a constant finding by electron microscopy
basement membrane nephropathy TBMN is the most common cause of persistent hematuria in children and adults the other main causes being IgA nephropathy and Alport syndrome 1 3 In addition to hematuria patients with TBMN usually have minimal proteinuria normal renal function and uniformly thinned glomerular basement membranes GBM basement membrane syndrome rarediseases nih gov DiseasesMar 20 2018 Epithelial basement membrane corneal dystrophy EBMD also called map dot fingerprint dystrophy is an eye condition that affects the cornea The epithelium is the cornea s outermost layer and the basement membrane is the layer that the epithelium attaches to is epithelial basement membrane Epithelial Basement Membrane Dystrophy EBMD is the most common form of corneal dystrophy It is believed some 2 of the population is affected by it Most patients never develop any symptoms or have some minor discomfort at irregular times
basement membrane Epithelial basement membrane dystrophy EBMD also known as anterior basement membrane disease or map dot fingerprint dystrophy is a common condition that affects the anterior segment of the eye The condition usually affects people over 30 years of age basement membrane syndrome is epithelial basement membrane Epithelial Basement Membrane Dystrophy EBMD is the most common form of corneal dystrophy It is believed some 2 of the population is affected by it Most patients never develop any symptoms or have some minor discomfort at irregular times overviewJun 09 2017 Anti glomerular basement membrane anti GBM antibody disease is a rare autoimmune disorder in which circulating antibodies are directed against an antigen normally present in the GBM and alveolar basement membrane The target antigen is the alpha 3 chain of type IV collagen
basement membrane syndrome Gallery
ADASgenetics oneparentLRG, image source: alportsyndrome.org
2368951693_7f584f935f, image source: writeopinions.com
glomcap 300x200, image source: nephcure.org
anti_gbm, image source: apollohealthcity.com
RENAL091, image source: library.med.utah.edu
pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis 24 638, image source: www.slideshare.net
linear_iga_1_high, image source: www.aocd.org
untitled_2 1450F33A21D7A153D0C, image source: www.studyblue.com
image015, image source: intranet.tdmu.edu.ua
HSP, image source: usmlecomlexguide.blogspot.com
GBS, image source: medchrome.com
Reticular+Fibers+These+fibers+look+very+similar+to+collagen+but+are+thinner+%280, image source: slideplayer.com
Toxic_epidermal_necrolysis, image source: smartypance.com
pathology of glomerulonephritis 46 728, image source: www.slideshare.net
DiabeticNephropathy pathophys, image source: www.pathophys.org
pcon1110mooref1_250_191_77119, image source: www.healio.com
JonesFig5, image source: jaoa.org
pathophysiology of burns 19 638, image source: www.slideshare.net
trichilemmoma11, image source: www.pathologyoutlines.com
Vasculitides+C ANCA+P ANCA+Anti proteinase+3+antibodies, image source: slideplayer.com