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to how to fix leaky basement wallIn this video This Old House general contractor Tom Silva explains how to repair a basement wall leak around a drainpipe Steps 1 Spread drop cloth on floor in work area 2 Use sledgehammer and cold chisel to chip away mortar from around the drainpipe 3 Remove any wooden forms found in the wall 4 Clean debris from hole how to fix a leaky basement wall from the inside aquaguardinjection basement waterproofing blog leak repair If drywall is cut open to expose the source of the basement leak then it will always be cheaper to fix the leak from the inside Are interior basement leak repairs as effective as exterior repairs From a warranty standpoint we offer the same warranty whether the leak repair is done from the inside or the outside basementsystems ca basement waterproofing problems wall leak htmlBasement walls can leak from multiple locations including through cracks around pipe penetrations in the walls or through basement windows Water can also seep through the concrete itself seeping into your basement or entering as moisture
nusitegroup Toronto Home Improvement BlogHowever even a basement that s well waterproofed from the outside will still leak if cracks develop in the walls or floor The same can happen if a plumber drills a hole through through the wall In that case it s perfectly feasible to seal the gaps with a polyurethane caulk or epoxy filler if the openings are wider than one eighth inch how to fix a leaky basement wall from the inside basementsystems ca basement waterproofing problems wall leak htmlBasement walls can leak from multiple locations including through cracks around pipe penetrations in the walls or through basement windows Water can also seep through the concrete itself seeping into your basement or entering as moisture a Leaky Basement75 53 Last updated Jul 17 2018
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