basement membrane kidney basement membrane diseaseThin basement membrane disease TBMD is an inherited disorder that mainly affects the glomeruli which are tiny tufts of capillaries small blood vessels in the kidneys that filter wastes from the blood It is a rare disorder that has been diagnosed in less than 1 percent of the population basement membrane kidney unckidneycenter Kidney Health Library Glomerular DiseaseTBM disease also known as benign familial hematuria and thin basement membrane nephropathy is along with IgA nephropathy the most common cause of blood in the urine without any other symptoms The only abnormal finding in this disease is a thinning of
basement membraneThe glomerular basement membrane GBM is formed at the boundary of the basal laminas of the podocytes of the glomerulus and the endothelial cells of renal capillaries basement membrane kidney glomerular basement membrane GBM is the vital barrier between blood and glomerular filtrate Diseases that damage it generally cause haematuria initially but as architecture becomes disordered proteinuria becomes an increasing feature
ncbi nlm nih gov Journal List HHS Author ManuscriptsMay 15 2012 The kidney s glomerular filtration barrier consists of two cells podocytes and endothelial cells and the glomerular basement membrane GBM a specialized extracellular matrix that lies between them Like all basement membranes the GBM consists mainly of laminin type IV collagen nidogen and heparan sulfate proteoglycan basement membrane kidney
basement membrane kidney Gallery
kidney%2B4, image source: biology4alevel.blogspot.com
alport syndrome, image source: unckidneycenter.org
epithelium cellstissues histology 5 638, image source: www.slideshare.net
hcvnl5STmYYqX79qeI7Q, image source: socratic.org
membrane_basement, image source: heritageofgrace.wordpress.com
capillaries_med, image source: ib.bioninja.com.au
glomerulus in health diseases 121 728, image source: www.slideshare.net
Membranous_nephropathy_ _cropped_ _mpas_ _very_high_mag, image source: commons.wikimedia.org
Jms, image source: www.histologicaltechniques.com
ADASgenetics oneparentLRG, image source: alportsyndrome.org
Kidney+Blood+Flow%3A, image source: slideplayer.com
renal_corpuscle figureA_Big, image source: www.auanet.org
471px 402_Types_of_Cell_Junctions_new, image source: www.wikilectures.eu
c, image source: meded.ucsd.edu
Nephron_vasculature, image source: www.nataliescasebook.com
27_copy 143B72B4AD9154966BC, image source: www.studyblue.com
untitled1363831947494, image source: www.studyblue.com
BOWMANS+CAPSULE, image source: slideplayer.com