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bhg Rooms Other Rooms BasementsFeb 19 2016 Since this basement is not entirely underground it includes a walk out entrance on one side new egress windows bring natural light into the basement A simple Roman shade in fun fabric softens the space and brings all the colors of the room together Phone 800 374 4244 basement transformations to view on Bing5 03Feb 18 2015 513 874 7200 Just imagine how great it would be to turn that old musty smelling basement into another complete living space for y Author EVERDRY Waterproofing CincinnatiViews 45K transformationsUnfinished basement walls unfinished basement ideas unfinished basement on a budget unfinished basement playroom unfinished basement makeover unfinished basement diy unfinished basement ceiling Find this Pin and more on BASEMENT TRANSFORMATIONS by Deni Kennedy
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