pentagon basement Arlington County VirginiaArchitectural style Stripped ClassicismArchitect George Bergstrom David J WitmerBuilt 1941 pentagon basement idea fairy pentagon basementTHE PENTAGON The fabled Good Idea Fairy once thought a joke or an urban legend and often blamed for seemingly incompetent leadership by troops across the armed forces has been found in a sub basement of the Pentagon sources confirmed
of defenses A page from the Pentagon Renovation Construction Program Office Project says Basement and Mezzanine levels exist under three fifths of the Pentagon although in a graphic published on another page I d say it looks more like two fifths pentagon basement example Room BE834 means that the location is in the basement on the E ring near the eighth corridor room 834 Kiosks are also conveniently located throughout the Pentagon featuring location and other related information about the facility government pentagonSep 11 2008 Watch video The Pentagon is the Virginia headquarters of the U S Department of Defense located in a massive five sided concrete and steel building that s a
07 2008 It s published that the Pentagon Building that housed the U S Department of Defense has only 2 Basement levels in reality how many basement levels are there Status ResolvedAnswers 7 pentagon basement government pentagonSep 11 2008 Watch video The Pentagon is the Virginia headquarters of the U S Department of Defense located in a massive five sided concrete and steel building that s a repairing the pentagonWithout accurate structural drawings of the Pentagon basement a detailed as built survey of the 225 columns in the area to be developed was needed The Gilford Corporation the Pentagon s General Contractor called on Capital Development and Design Inc CDDI of Alexandria Va
pentagon basement Gallery
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