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of mold white moldMar 20 2017 Does white mold lead to wood rot In short no Rot dry rot wet rot white rot brown rot is caused by wood decay fungi These are distinct from molds and are relatively small in number in comparison to molds 3 9 5 17 Author James Mallory white mold on wood in basement nusitegroup Toronto Home Improvement BlogEfflorescence and White Mold It s sometimes difficult to discriminate between early efflorescence and white mold because the two look quite similar However the former is a crystal found on concrete and masonry structures only meaning that if the phenomenon appears elsewhere it s likely to be white mold Implications for Our Health To most people white mold is no more dangerous than a cashew nut advisor white mold in basement htmlTypes of White Mold in Basement Environments Many types of mold can appear white in color depending on the type of material on which they are growing including aspergillus cladosporium and penicillium penicillium is often blue or bluish green and white
moldWhite Mold in Basement Basement is one of the most ideal habitats for white mold Darkness humidity and warm temperature are characteristics that white mold loves Also since the basement is dark the growth of white mold is often unseen until it reaches a serious level of infestation white mold on wood in basement advisor white mold in basement htmlTypes of White Mold in Basement Environments Many types of mold can appear white in color depending on the type of material on which they are growing including aspergillus cladosporium and penicillium penicillium is often blue or bluish green and white mold in basement concrete htmlLike any other mold white mold needs to be removed from your home and preventative measures need to be taken to prevent any further growth of mold and mildew Where Can White Mold Grow White mold can form on wood essentially because of dampness either
white mold on wood in basement Gallery
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