basement tapes dylan Roots rock folk rock country rock blues rock AmericanaReleased June 26 1975Producer Bob Dylan The Band basement tapes dylan amazon CDs Vinyl Pop Singer SongwritersThe Basement Tapes abridged version shows Dylan and the Hawks later known as The Band at their most laid back best without slick studio production A must have for Dylan 4 4 5 176 Price 12 45
amazon CDs Vinyl Classic RockThe Basement Tapes Complete brings together for the first time ever every salvageable recording from the tapes including recently discovered early gems recorded in the Red Room of Dylan s home in upstate New York 4 6 5 220 basement tapes dylan basement tapes 309065794Portions of the tapes were officially released in 1975 as the double album The Basement Tapes While Dylan was in seclusion rock roll had become heavier and artier in thenewbasementtapes infoAmong Dylan s many cultural milestones the legendary Basement Tapes dozens of songs written and recorded by Dylan in 1967 backed by members of his touring ensemble who would later achieve their own fame as The Band have long fascinated and enticed successive generations of musicians fans and cultural critics alike
basement tapes mw0000199753The party line on The Basement Tapes is that it is Americana as Dylan and the Band pick up the weirdness inherent in old folk country and blues tunes but it transcends mere historical arcana through its lively humorous full bodied performances 10 10 basement tapes dylan thenewbasementtapes infoAmong Dylan s many cultural milestones the legendary Basement Tapes dozens of songs written and recorded by Dylan in 1967 backed by members of his touring ensemble who would later achieve their own fame as The Band have long fascinated and enticed successive generations of musicians fans and cultural critics alike thenewbasementtapesSubscribe to The New Basement Tapes newsletter 2018 Harvest Records and Electromagnetic Recordings
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